
Sunday 7 June 2009

wet my bed

It is 4 in the morning and I'm on the computer. The early bird gets the Worm? Hope not.

I just peed in my pants actually, am quite frustrated about it but how can I blame anyone for this? Neither should I be blamed since it was not intentional.

After all the sighing and regretting I paused for a while and realised a truth:
I am going to turn 18 already and whether or not I want to, I am physically grown. Thus it is only right that I continue growing mentally, and spiritually. Maturity is a requisite as well as an obligation for a proper person.

So, losing control of your bladder in bed is embarrassing. What's next? Clean up!

  1. I wet my bed, it may symbolise shame- something you want to cover up.
  2. There was frustration and disappointment, a feeling of regret and reproach.
  3. There was a choice, to sulk and go back to sleep or to get up and clean up the mess.
  4. After doing either one of the above, my parents and sister will find out what happened when they wake up which will be soon. There are consequences to face, in this case, embarrassment. Yes, sometimes we will have to face the consequences even though we did the right thing.
  5. When I was young I did not have to clean up after wetting the bed since my parents would do everything for me; now I am no longer young, therefore I cannot remain the same. Time to clean up my own mess.
  6. Change the sheets! Replace what is dirty, and move on.
  7. There were times when I had people looking out for me; but there are also times where I must do whatever I have to, without being a burden to those who took care of me.
Time to grow up, Mr. Joel Yap!

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