
Monday 16 August 2010


Just browsing and looking at stuff posted by various friends on the internet, particularly on their blogs and Facebook profiles, etc. After a while I noticed I've been noticing a lot of "new words". Known words that most people understand despite their spelling errors.

What is happening to people? We communicate with language, now distorted language. And youths from different societies, different groups have different kinds of distorted words. It is like a culture or something...
Honestly, why can't they spell the word- school correctly? I've been reading stuff like "I dun wanna go to skul tomorrow" or "Skul was great", "Did sumting stupid in skul" and oh, I just can't stand it sometimes.
I can accept abbreviations, I use them too. But when short forms or any alternatives start to affect your mastery of the language you use, please be mindful of how you write!

Language is beautiful, do not distord it.

My mama taught me how to spell "school".

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