Have you ever been in situations where you have so much to say but nothing comes out verbally? Some feelings are so difficult to be put into words, be it written or spoken. And so what if you are able to do so? What if there is no one who cares at all? Have you ever felt being left all alone to fend for yourself? Have you ever felt so rejected that you fear trusting again? Have you ever been so hurt to the extend that physical pain is too easy to bear?
What do you do when the whole world seems to be so cold? What do you do when life doesn't make any sense anymore? What do you do when living becomes a chore?
Why do you even ask for help when no one can? Why do you still struggle when you know struggling is only a waste of time? Why do you still hope? Why do you still want?
How are you going to solve a problem so big, when you don't know what is causing it? How will you be going to live on under such harsh conditions?