
Saturday 25 September 2010


Just read this on Yahoo! News five minutes ago- Philippine dad convicted of rape gets 14400 years.

Amused by the headlines, at first I laughed at the 14400-year jail sentence. Then I began to read on and I stopped laughing. Who would rape his own flesh and blood, daily?! My heart goes out to the girl and my fist would like to meet the man whose conscience must have been on holiday.

Why do such a wicked thing to his own daughter when she was only 13?
Why do such a wicked thing to his own daughter?
Why do such a wicked thing?

I remember reading about child abuse two months back. Also responded by sharing it here on this blog.
Wish I could and can do more than just lamenting, I would do more.

Children deserve to be loved, not abused.
Abuse can be in different forms: Verbal, sexual, physical, emotional, etc.

If you aren't ready to be a parent, think twice about having children.

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