
Sunday 19 October 2008

Dealing with People

I broke a guitar string yesterday while tuning. Then suddenly a thought came to my mind, the string snapped because I turned the knob too hard. If I were to be gentle and tuned it slowly, the string would had probably remained attached to my guitar.
It's an expensive set of strings, so it hurts whenever any one of them were to snap.

Maybe this situation could be used to illustrate dealing with people?
Say I want somebody to do something, pushing the person too hard is not the best way. Everyone has his or her limits, nobody is perfect. When I want to "tune" somebody whether for the person's benefit or mine, I care for the person and would certainly not want him or her to "break". Pushing them could achieve results instantly but momentarily; doing it patiently is the best way.

This is what I have learnt from a simple experience of tuning a guitar, that is to do things in love with patience especially when dealing with sensitive people and the importance of being aware of their feelings.


elmo said...

... even at form 5.. u can write somethin like this... ur remarkable... ^^ respect.

Joel Yap said...

Still have very much to learn in vary many ways, always will have much to learn.
Thanks for the comments!