
Friday, 26 August 2011


在这种时刻做家务的人 应该不多吧?(2AM)

我洗衣,洗厕所,扫地,擦风扇 等等。 搞得自己满头大汗。 在忙上忙下的当儿 我发现了 自己做这些家务的时候皱眉头。

皱眉头?? 人会皱眉大多数是因为遇到不卫生,不自在的情况是吧? 我竟然在做家务时皱眉头。 是不是因为人为以上的活动不卫生,不自在? 尤其是洗厕所。 但是这些打扫的工作都是每个人应该会的。 而且我已经是出外念书的半个大人了。

我庆幸自己不是娇生惯养。 来自一个小康之家,不荣华富贵。 从不歧视任何 “底层” 的行业。 可是不得不承认 妈妈比较疼我,我从小就不需要做很多家务,所以现在才会不习惯。 所以洗厕所会皱眉头。

不能看不起简简单单的打扫工作。 妈妈为我们家人服务了这么多年 没有埋怨。 我怎么能带个觉得家务又麻烦又肮脏的心理 来打扫自己居住的地方呢? 更何况已经 很久 很久 没有扫地了!

皱眉头 的态度需要改。

Friday, 19 August 2011

Cholerics vs. Phlegmatics

Cholerics get frustrated when they don't get what they want;
Phlegmatics get frustrated over not knowing what they want.
Joel Yap

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

I was wrong

When I thought that no one could ever make me cry on my birthday.

Their actions and words moved my heart. The birthday card brought me to tears.

Thank you.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Epilogue: Taking Action

As I came to the concluding section of The Bait of Satan by John Bevere, I could carry on reading no more.

As you have read this book, the Spirit of the Lord may have reminded you of relationships in the past or present in which you have held something againse others. I have sensed the Lord's instruction to ask you to pray a simple prayer of release with me. But before praying, ask the Holy Spirit to walk with you through your past, bringing before you any people against whom you have held something. Stay quiet before Him as He shows you who they are. You do not need to hunt for something that is not there. He will clearly bring them up to where you will not doubt it. As He does, you may remember the pain you experienced.
John Bevere.

I am too weak for this.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

To help?

What makes us human? What is so special about mankind when compared to the animal kingdom? Even the beasts and birds seem to help each other and somehow have some form of system to which they live by. They depend on instinct, to kill and to protect. However humans are far more complex than that. We have a gift called discernment, which I believe is what differentiates us from the animals.

We choose, to be good to another or the opposite.

And I think helping people is what makes us human. We help our own; we help those dependant on us; we help those who need help. A pro-social behaviour.
When not to help? When we lose interest; when in a bad mood; when our attitudes change; when we realise we've been taken advantage of? What keeps/stops us from helping others?

I just realised I might have been doing too much to help certain persons. So much so that they may develop dependance. When you want me to do something, you ask. Nothing wrong. However if you just lay back and wait for the results, why should I fulfill your responsibilities for you just because I can do a better job? It's different. Say a boy goes fishing for the first time with his dad. He doesn't know how to use a bait so the father does everything for him. But if he just waits and reap the rewards without laying a finger on the bait, he isn't going to know how to bait his rod in future. What good is it to go fishing with dad without learning anything about the activity? If the boy were to participate in setting up his fishing rod, with the help of the father, that's a different story. This boy learns.

If I helped people, their gratitude isn't important. It's more about the experience, learning and growth.
My help is wrong if it becomes unhelpful.

Doing something tough with the help of one; is different from asking him/her to do it on my behalf. I had lived a rather "easy" life before, as there were almost always people around me ready to help should I meet any difficult circumstances. People with experience, and a kind soul. It was(is) tempting to have them do my stuff for me. The easy road is always more pleasant to take. I must confess my reliance and sloth, which led to consequences.

Therefore I must be careful in helping. As much as I would love to help. Show me your intentions and I'll give you my help.