
Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Plea in the Rain

Either make me strong to withstand the storm, or put me back in the glasshouse. Please.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

God is Effecient

Do you know the joy of receiving a message from a best friend? Close but living far away. I had been blessed to have received a few recently. And in that string of messages I lamented that life had become a little too peaceful for me, comparing the challenges I face today relative to that of when I first started college.

Incidentally, not long after my friend and I stopped messaging, hurdles and hurdles began showing up in my path! And the challenges seem so hard to overcome, instantly robbing me off my already weakened willpower and determination to solve problems. Life had become easy, and now it has to become much harder now just because I took notice of the risks of falling into complacency? Why me? And why now? I have to ask.

Sigh, me and my big mouth. Discuss about life lacking challenges as before, forgetting that God is omnipresent.

If God is so efficient in providing mountains for me to climb when I felt bored of walking on even terrain, surely He is good and fair to provide me the strength to conquer these mountains. And am I writing this sentence because He is omni present? Haha! Well, we are purposed for His pleasure, are we not? But the question is, why do I seem to please Him more in my periods of distresss?

Monday, 21 November 2011


万事起头难,幸亏有你助我。 万分感恩。 不知道该如何回报。
从今 以后  不需要你了!

你做好事 不求回报。
难道 这不是你所愿?

Saturday, 12 November 2011


Now is coming to the middle of a night.

I don't understand. I had been feeling the moods during the week, a little grumpy thanks to being deprived of sleep. I don't understand me- because now I can sleep; but here I am still up.

Editing some photos taken by a few college mates. One by one, by one, by one. They seem to be very good at photography albeit the lack of technical knowledge and familiarity related to camera controls. Looks like the little experience I have doesn't make me any better. Apparently, owning a camera doesn't necessarily make you a good photographer. This I agree.

Now is coming to the middle of the night. I don't understand me. Joel, time for bed.

Saturday, 5 November 2011


I am not the one drowning, but feel helpless to see a brother in the water. Struggling to survive and grasping for air. He cannot see the light; and I feel helpless.

Try to recall, were there times when you just feel the desperation for another? Yet you have no idea at all on how to help.

I am not the one in need, someone else is in difficulty; I have absolutely no will to look him in the eyes and say, "it will be okay" despite having faith that things are going to turn out fine in the end. My belief, and faith are mine to share; but at this moment in time it seems a little cruel to do so. Am feeling like such a failure as a friend.

You're on a mountain top, and your friend is in a valley. And you feel helpless, how?

Today, my heart sank. Overwhelmed by uncertainties of the future, of another person.
Standing on higher ground can still suck after all. Because you might be useless to the person(s) below.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Falling rain

Stood amazed by the drizzle this evening. Watter falling from the dark sky, against the man-made lights by the basketball court. Different from a rain; these droplets were descending to the ground at a much more relaxed pace.

There I stood for a good quarter of an hour. Just mesmerized by the sight of falling rain. It was beautiful.

The moment was golden. My complaints of tiredness, downcast feelings, etc. all gone as I looked into the night sky and allowed my soul to be refreshed.

Said a prayer of thanks, saw a smile on His face.