
Saturday, 28 July 2012

A possible disappointment

Not a setback, nothing to worry about actually; but perhaps something to be sad over.

He gives, He can take away.

I don't own my opportunities anyway, just a steward here. Trying hard to be a good steward of my money(though the little that I have), talents(though the little that I have) and time(though I definitely do not have as much as I think I need).

Minor disappointment, even though it has not been final yet. Is this a test? Is this just a plan to evaluate my response to certain things in life?

Man has desires, aspirations and dreams; what if a door is opened to you and closed just before you could pass through? Yet you still do not know if that door is closed for sure.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012


Have I been unkind to certain people with my words? Be it if they deserved it or not.

Irritated, sometimes I tend to feel, especially since all have different upbringings. People have different values though certain norms have been established in society. We all don't grow up at the same pace.
Therefore, irritated, at times I tend to feel. Not that I never get on people's nerves. I just try to strike a balance between when to be serious and when not to. Well, I am only human but I am trying, to be at peace with acquaintances and not to offend anybody as I go about with my daily living.

I had been noticing my deterioration in self-control with regards to responsible speech. Have I been unkind to certain people with my words? Whether they are bad or not, there is actually no need to be unkind.

Trying hard to be an example.

Friday, 20 July 2012


I enjoy doing it, but....

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy writing. I write for various reasons- leisure, musing, critical thinking, reminding and so on. It is interesting to read what others have written as well.

But... I have been tasked to do a literature review. This is nothing like the stuff that I am used to writing! Looking for help, turning to examples of existing literature reviews, I now, can only be overwhelmed. The reading that is required prior to writing the review is crazy. I have recently completed a few academic essays and reflective reports, and I enjoyed the process of writing them; the longest document being over 2000 words. However reviewing literature is a whole new level of academic writing.

Let's see how this turns out.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

昨晚取得了五个钟头的睡眠。 今天一大早就起来跑步,天都还没亮! 庆幸有位好朋友的陪伴, 否则我没可能跑得这么远。

下午与家人吃饭 真开心。

傍晚的天气好到没话说。 去打球, 好久没打得这么痛快了。 绵绵细雨, 喘着气 跑来跑去, 在那几个小时里 没有烦恼, 没有忧愁。



Friday, 6 July 2012


好久没有搭巴士/公车 回家了。 这次到居銮父母都没办法来接我,我便上公共巴士付了一块钱的车费回到我天天想念的家。 坐在车上等待其他搭客上来,看看窗口外,看看车内的一切事物, 有种熟悉的感觉。 小时候妈妈常常以巴士当交通工具 带我和妹妹出门。 我第一次自己搭车是大约十二岁吧! 上了中学与朋友一同出外也是搭公车。 十八岁考到了驾驶执照才开始从使用公共交通渐渐转移成向父母借汽车。 如今,驾车以如家常便饭(在居銮)。 今天突然有搭公车的需要,回到了过去,想起了童年。

我的童年- 简单又快乐; 不像现在。

Monday, 2 July 2012


Am I an introvert, or an extrovert trying to be an introvert?

Thanks to painful yet invaluable experiences in the past, I learned to self-protect. Guarding this heart against giving away trust too easily. Secrets are kept safer than they used to be. Emotions are rarely truly expressed. In a city as an alien, I learned self-sufficiency.

However the question still bothers me. Am I an introvert, or an extrovert trying to change himself?