
Thursday, 29 December 2011


宁静的夜晚,我还不想睡。 享用一杯茶,用多余的时间 在两个屏幕上看看这个月所拍的照片。

感恩;却有点心酸。好想再次回到拍摄的景点和时间 从新把照片拍过。想拍得更好,其实是能拍得更好的。每次都期待拍摄,准备工作都有做好。可是每当拍摄的时光来临 反而觉得害怕,什么都不敢拍!担心自己不够好。因为没经验,因为不比别人厉害。有些人的照相器材比我的简单,拍出来的效果却好像比我的好很多。我有相机 但没天份。


宁静的夜晚,我还不想睡。 享用一杯茶,用多余的时间 在两个屏幕上看看这个月所拍的照片。


Monday, 26 December 2011


It is a break, is it not? Christmas events have gotten some people so tired out. I dare not claim that I had worked very hard in contributing to any events; but I certainly am in need of some rest.

Enjoying a sense of relief now as the pictures I needed to process are done. I will never become a full-time photographer. Need I say more? Haha! Still passionate about photography nonetheless.

Finally made copies of the photos to share, into compact disks; a few for the event organisers and a few for family. Next, printed some photos to physically share with some friends as well. How shall I describe the feeling of seeing and holding the fruits of your labour? Stopped by a studio today and am very happy with the print quality! Just that next time I must remember to request for no timestamps.

No more intensive editing, no more rushing and burning midnight oils. With a five-minute notice, two of my buddies brought me out for a quick spin this evening. Took a longer-than-average car ride for dinner. It was a good time together. The boys need to do this more often.

Looking forward to a few more days of rest. Spending time and focusing on family and friends. Have to relate to people more. Photography can never satisfy a basic human need for social interaction. Home! Before getting back to stressful Singapore.

Monday, 19 December 2011



助人为快乐之本。 帮助人也代表你愿意接受麻烦。

“要是我当初没有帮你们,现在就不必烦恼这些事! 我本有计划,如果自私一点或许就能实现。 为什么要替自己带来这种原可避免的麻烦?”

助人为快乐之本。 但帮助人也代表你愿意接受麻烦。 如果朋友有需要我却不肯付出在我能力范围内的帮助,我是什么人? 我有难时也是有朋友伸出援手。 当然,朋友与朋友之间 不是报恩报仇的关系。

助人为快乐之本。 别埋怨,更别指望被报答。 真心点。

Friday, 9 December 2011




朋友- 是什么? 于钱比,朋友的地位在哪里?


耶和华,来拯救世人! 我求祢!

Monday, 5 December 2011


The skills are fairly easy to perform lah! Comparatively lower failure rates. Not as tough as compared to the other semesters.

And I was the most relaxed student for assessment today.

And there, lo and behold, I failed a simple procedure just because I forgot one simple step.

Joel Yap, you got the results that you deserved today!

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Light modifiers

I bought a couple of softboxes on eBay last week; and a diffuser just this morning. These are accesories for flash photography. Why am I buying these when I haven’t even gotten my flash unit yet?

Dad has agreed to pay for part of the cost of my external flash should I purchase one. The question is: Should I buy one now?

Lots of stuff on my shopping list and I don’t really know when to buy what. Or what are the needs and what are the wants.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Men or Women

Women tell others how they feel; men tend to share what they think.

Which gender do I possess?

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Plea in the Rain

Either make me strong to withstand the storm, or put me back in the glasshouse. Please.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

God is Effecient

Do you know the joy of receiving a message from a best friend? Close but living far away. I had been blessed to have received a few recently. And in that string of messages I lamented that life had become a little too peaceful for me, comparing the challenges I face today relative to that of when I first started college.

Incidentally, not long after my friend and I stopped messaging, hurdles and hurdles began showing up in my path! And the challenges seem so hard to overcome, instantly robbing me off my already weakened willpower and determination to solve problems. Life had become easy, and now it has to become much harder now just because I took notice of the risks of falling into complacency? Why me? And why now? I have to ask.

Sigh, me and my big mouth. Discuss about life lacking challenges as before, forgetting that God is omnipresent.

If God is so efficient in providing mountains for me to climb when I felt bored of walking on even terrain, surely He is good and fair to provide me the strength to conquer these mountains. And am I writing this sentence because He is omni present? Haha! Well, we are purposed for His pleasure, are we not? But the question is, why do I seem to please Him more in my periods of distresss?

Monday, 21 November 2011


万事起头难,幸亏有你助我。 万分感恩。 不知道该如何回报。
从今 以后  不需要你了!

你做好事 不求回报。
难道 这不是你所愿?

Saturday, 12 November 2011


Now is coming to the middle of a night.

I don't understand. I had been feeling the moods during the week, a little grumpy thanks to being deprived of sleep. I don't understand me- because now I can sleep; but here I am still up.

Editing some photos taken by a few college mates. One by one, by one, by one. They seem to be very good at photography albeit the lack of technical knowledge and familiarity related to camera controls. Looks like the little experience I have doesn't make me any better. Apparently, owning a camera doesn't necessarily make you a good photographer. This I agree.

Now is coming to the middle of the night. I don't understand me. Joel, time for bed.

Saturday, 5 November 2011


I am not the one drowning, but feel helpless to see a brother in the water. Struggling to survive and grasping for air. He cannot see the light; and I feel helpless.

Try to recall, were there times when you just feel the desperation for another? Yet you have no idea at all on how to help.

I am not the one in need, someone else is in difficulty; I have absolutely no will to look him in the eyes and say, "it will be okay" despite having faith that things are going to turn out fine in the end. My belief, and faith are mine to share; but at this moment in time it seems a little cruel to do so. Am feeling like such a failure as a friend.

You're on a mountain top, and your friend is in a valley. And you feel helpless, how?

Today, my heart sank. Overwhelmed by uncertainties of the future, of another person.
Standing on higher ground can still suck after all. Because you might be useless to the person(s) below.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Falling rain

Stood amazed by the drizzle this evening. Watter falling from the dark sky, against the man-made lights by the basketball court. Different from a rain; these droplets were descending to the ground at a much more relaxed pace.

There I stood for a good quarter of an hour. Just mesmerized by the sight of falling rain. It was beautiful.

The moment was golden. My complaints of tiredness, downcast feelings, etc. all gone as I looked into the night sky and allowed my soul to be refreshed.

Said a prayer of thanks, saw a smile on His face.

Saturday, 22 October 2011


Starting to feel the need to be cheerful, and remain cheerful.
I have come across a few people in my life and am impressed by how cheerful they were(are), sometimes even in the midst of turmoil. Amazed and envious.

Sorry for being such a pessimist at times. Perhaps it was the way I was brought up, the things I had seen, experienced, etc. It is not easy to live like this. I'd probably achieved more if I were a little more willing to challenge myself in various areas.

I want to stop feeling sorry for myself now. Yesterday is in the past!

Monday, 17 October 2011


Of all the semesters my semesters, this one is the first one that starts on a 17th.
My previous two both began on an 18th.

Pardon me, just thinking out loud.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Rowan Atkinson

Mr. Bean- smart man appearing to be stupid.
Johnny English- stupid man appearing to be smart.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Prayer and perseverance

It gets difficult to pray when you are faced with disappointment time and time again. It never was easy too, when people aren't really standing with you. People who are skeptical, indifferent or afraid. Or perhaps more conservative.

It tends to feel hopeless, it doesn't look good. You are tempted to curse, complain, and give up thereafter. You feel angry, you see your frustrations and sometimes tears.

Deep inside, you believe anyway how this will eventually end. You just want to know how soon.
If you should ever have children, you want the best for them. Who wouldn't?
So you shall fervently pray. That your children as well as of those whom you care about, shall be able to grow up with good-quality education.

Sunday, 25 September 2011


你们原肯挤进来 目的只是要便宜?

难道说,与我同住 真的这么不开心吗?

Thursday, 15 September 2011

All the best

"All the best!"
"Hey, so-and-so, all the best!"
"Take care, all the best!"

Blah, blah, blah... Aku tak faham. I don't understand why some people use the phrase "all the best" without stating for what or in what. Worse still, they do so so often.

Bodoh, rite? I do not mean any offense though. But we better understand what we are speaking.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Realm of Tranquility

Find me, search high and low for me 
in the messy realm of tranquility. 
Seize me, take my mind-
off complete broken things 
from my imperfect past of happiness. 
Hold me closely 
watch me carefully. 
Take me down quickly
and cover me. 
Hide me 
from the quiet storms of memories. 
Keep me from shaking. 
Stop me from falling.
Find me 
from my messy realm of tranquility.

© Joel Yap

Friday, 2 September 2011

A few of us got together

Mr. Chew, Mr. Kang and I were my best buddies back in secondary school. We went to a neighbourhood school. Mainstream, government-run, average and nothing much to shout about; though I must say few of the teachers from my school were(still are) rather highly sought after tutors in their various specialties. For example, I must say the best Physics teacher in Kluang at this moment of time was from my school. The best and most famous tutor for General Paper is also currently teaching in my school. Needless to say the best Additional Mathematics teacher, also from my school(and my church as well). In my opinion.

Now, what did I wanted to write about again? Okay, so Mr. Chew, Mr. Kang and I got together today thanks to our Hari Raya break. As usual, we had a good time catching up as well as talking about stupid things. Come on, boys will be boys. I don't expect us to talk about how China could break free from Communism, or how to lift off a rocket with 100% solar or renewable energy. Not that these are good or bad, or impossible. I love to spend time talking rubbish with these two people when we can get together once in a while, now that each of us have our own lives to live and studies to handle. However there is a balance. The last thing I want is for the three of us to end up in the police station for talking too loudly in public. Not that it will ever happen. There is a balance to keep, I believe. Between being stupid and being helpful. In the midst of rubbish talk for fellowship's sake, we often make sure we give each other a quick update about our lives, our struggles and problems.

Today we had fun looking back at our days in school together. Recalling names of teachers, schoolmates, classmates, etc. Reminding each other of the stuff we used to do- be it the stuff we enjoyed or otherwise. I remember a lot of rules. Rules were all over our student days. How to wear our uniform, how to keep an acceptable hairstyle, what not to bring to school, and the list just goes on and on. I remember how once Mr. Chew and my cell phones got confiscated since bringing cell phones into the school compound was banned back then. It is still, to my knowledge. I remember the teachers we had who behaved weirdly, those were the ones easily remembered. We remember the good ones as well as the not-so-good ones. And having gained insight and a certain amount of maturity, we now are able to appreciate our teachers accordingly. Yes, I admit there were times I resented a few teachers due to some unpleasant situations, perhaps; but now I understand that certain things did not happen the way I perceived them to. Similarly, a few of the teachers whom I used to dislike (were)are actually people worthy of my respect.

Secondary school- where there were more rules but less worries.

A few of us got together and I realise how much, through a short, two-and-a-half years, we have matured. Cheers to more and more years of maturity. And to our friendship too!
A few of us got together.

Friday, 26 August 2011


在这种时刻做家务的人 应该不多吧?(2AM)

我洗衣,洗厕所,扫地,擦风扇 等等。 搞得自己满头大汗。 在忙上忙下的当儿 我发现了 自己做这些家务的时候皱眉头。

皱眉头?? 人会皱眉大多数是因为遇到不卫生,不自在的情况是吧? 我竟然在做家务时皱眉头。 是不是因为人为以上的活动不卫生,不自在? 尤其是洗厕所。 但是这些打扫的工作都是每个人应该会的。 而且我已经是出外念书的半个大人了。

我庆幸自己不是娇生惯养。 来自一个小康之家,不荣华富贵。 从不歧视任何 “底层” 的行业。 可是不得不承认 妈妈比较疼我,我从小就不需要做很多家务,所以现在才会不习惯。 所以洗厕所会皱眉头。

不能看不起简简单单的打扫工作。 妈妈为我们家人服务了这么多年 没有埋怨。 我怎么能带个觉得家务又麻烦又肮脏的心理 来打扫自己居住的地方呢? 更何况已经 很久 很久 没有扫地了!

皱眉头 的态度需要改。

Friday, 19 August 2011

Cholerics vs. Phlegmatics

Cholerics get frustrated when they don't get what they want;
Phlegmatics get frustrated over not knowing what they want.
Joel Yap

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

I was wrong

When I thought that no one could ever make me cry on my birthday.

Their actions and words moved my heart. The birthday card brought me to tears.

Thank you.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Epilogue: Taking Action

As I came to the concluding section of The Bait of Satan by John Bevere, I could carry on reading no more.

As you have read this book, the Spirit of the Lord may have reminded you of relationships in the past or present in which you have held something againse others. I have sensed the Lord's instruction to ask you to pray a simple prayer of release with me. But before praying, ask the Holy Spirit to walk with you through your past, bringing before you any people against whom you have held something. Stay quiet before Him as He shows you who they are. You do not need to hunt for something that is not there. He will clearly bring them up to where you will not doubt it. As He does, you may remember the pain you experienced.
John Bevere.

I am too weak for this.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

To help?

What makes us human? What is so special about mankind when compared to the animal kingdom? Even the beasts and birds seem to help each other and somehow have some form of system to which they live by. They depend on instinct, to kill and to protect. However humans are far more complex than that. We have a gift called discernment, which I believe is what differentiates us from the animals.

We choose, to be good to another or the opposite.

And I think helping people is what makes us human. We help our own; we help those dependant on us; we help those who need help. A pro-social behaviour.
When not to help? When we lose interest; when in a bad mood; when our attitudes change; when we realise we've been taken advantage of? What keeps/stops us from helping others?

I just realised I might have been doing too much to help certain persons. So much so that they may develop dependance. When you want me to do something, you ask. Nothing wrong. However if you just lay back and wait for the results, why should I fulfill your responsibilities for you just because I can do a better job? It's different. Say a boy goes fishing for the first time with his dad. He doesn't know how to use a bait so the father does everything for him. But if he just waits and reap the rewards without laying a finger on the bait, he isn't going to know how to bait his rod in future. What good is it to go fishing with dad without learning anything about the activity? If the boy were to participate in setting up his fishing rod, with the help of the father, that's a different story. This boy learns.

If I helped people, their gratitude isn't important. It's more about the experience, learning and growth.
My help is wrong if it becomes unhelpful.

Doing something tough with the help of one; is different from asking him/her to do it on my behalf. I had lived a rather "easy" life before, as there were almost always people around me ready to help should I meet any difficult circumstances. People with experience, and a kind soul. It was(is) tempting to have them do my stuff for me. The easy road is always more pleasant to take. I must confess my reliance and sloth, which led to consequences.

Therefore I must be careful in helping. As much as I would love to help. Show me your intentions and I'll give you my help.

Saturday, 23 July 2011


原是因慢而不爽, 因为自己心急却被逼等待。 自己的脚步快却要嫌别人慢。
但想想之后, 发现自己并没被逼等待。 自愿慢下来就没资格生气。
 因几个不是理由的理由生气, 太小器了。
我便开始看见自己的幼稚。 生气自己 为什么发小孩子脾气。


Friday, 15 July 2011

Fact about choices

Not to decide is to decide.

I don't want to think about it, means I want to not think about it.
You are not doing anything about it, means you do nothing about it.
I don't want to solve this, means I want to leave this unresolved.
You don't want progress, means you want no progress.

Thursday, 30 June 2011


Inconstant; quick to turn away; easily forgetful of the good deeds of others.

Yesterday my roommate did a very sweet thing. He prepared lunch at home and gave us* a treat. Not only that, he even brought the food to our* college as we* only had one or a couple of hours free for lunch.

And the food was great. the three of us* ate happily together. I was grateful.

However, by evening we* were having stomachaches and visited the washroom several times. I am currently still having rather active bowel movements, by the way. So what was the culprit? Lunch, our* best guess.
So what if it was my roommate's food that caused us the abdominal discomfort?
Should we* be so quick to blame the guy who put in time, effort and money to prepare our* lunch?
Should we*?

*a mutual friend between CS Lee and I; a good friend too.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

How I feel?

Company is more important than location, personally.

Did you even care how I might have felt when you made decisions? Whoever you all are.
I believe with all my heart that you didn't expect my reaction. Just as I never expected this change.
I just mind that I was merely informed.

Right now what I might be feeling is not important anymore. Waiting to make my decision.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Switchfoot - Dare You To Move

Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself?
Where're you gonna go?
Where're you gonna go?

Salvation is here!

I dare you to lift yourself up of the floor
I dare you to move.

Saturday, 4 June 2011


Haven't vomited in a very very long time; vomited a lot yesterday. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, palpitations and loss of appetite. Suddenly I'm experiencing the terms we normally use in school for the pharmacology module.

Am not feeling well at all, not sure what I ate though. Maybe it's a reminder to eat properly, not to take so much junk food.

By the way I even blacked out last night. Just couldn't see a thing for about 10 seconds. Fortunately I made my way to my bathroom in the dark just in time to puke into the toilet bowl.

At times such as this, you don't think about girlfriends and boyfriends anymore; you just want your mother. Pardon me if I'm wrong.
All I want right now is to be in the loving arms of mother. Yet I wouldn't wish that she come all the way here, forgo visiting sister at her national service camp, just to take care of an adult-to-be.

Yet at such a time, I am grateful for friends who care.

Got to go to the clinic! See ya...

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Devine planning

I was supposed to be at the Immigrations department at this very moment. Promised some friends to be there to wait with them as they would not know how to go about the process of collecting their student's passes, at least I had experience of my own.

To cut the long story short. I gave my word to be there with my friends as they collected their passes. However I fell sick for at least a week now and really needed rest this morning. Felt bad about not being there for them though.

And suddenly they called because they had a situation. Couldn't make payments! Couldn't make the payments for their passes in cash. Very fortunately, I knew what to do. Internet banking.

Couldn't have solved the problem had I went out to meet them.

On hindsight now, I have nothing more to say than thanks to the Devine Planner up there who is all-sufficient and all-knowing. I stay amazed.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Sarawak for change (2)

So the present government continues to rule with two-thirds majority of votes.

Sarawak voted, they got what they voted or did not vote for.

I still believe in God, so I still believe in His miracles.

Let His kingdom come.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Sarawak for change!

As I write, change is taking place in Sarawak. State election. Polling has already begun and shall continue until 5PM today.

I have been following the news.
Somehow I find myself following it with some sort of watching-football-match attitude, sometimes. Why?

This is so much more than a football match. This is Sarawak's future as well as ours here in the Peninsula.

This is not a football match.

Praying for a fair election.
May God's will be done in Sarawak as it is in Heaven.

Friday, 1 April 2011

RON97 petrol up 20 sen from tomorrow???

No, this is not an April Fool's joke.

Just read some news after a long day of work. End of second week of my clinical posting now, one more week to go and I will no longer be called a Year 1 student.

Back to the poing, petrol price going up again? Well, that's one thing that goes up but never comes down. And it's going up much more frequently since I got my driver's licence. Or maybe I never noticed when I was in the passenger's seat.

RON97 petrol is slightly more expensive than the RON95.
Personally, I still prefer driving on the 97.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

What did I ask?

Joel: Ei, do you usually take the bus or train to school?
Friend: I hate buses!
Joel: Did I ask whether you liked buses or trains? I asked you a simple question yet you did not know how to answer.
Was I too mean or was this okay? Sometimes we tend to give irrelevant answers to various questions threw at us. Like my friend, I wasn't interested in her thoughts toward buses she told me anyway.

I myself, am learning to provide answers properly.

Monday, 21 March 2011


Good morning, it is the first time for me in two weeks, waking up at 6 o'clock in the morning. Lived a rather spoilt life in the recent past. Now for the next 3 weeks, it's about discipline already. Clinical attachment for this semester starts today.

Looking out the window at this hour can be fun. The view of the flats outside, some households with lights on, others not. It's nice to see.

Those with lights: I wonder if they are schooling children, or adults who need to start work soon.

Those with lights still off: Are they still asleep or long gone already before I could look through my window.

A society is like a living organism. Cells form tissues; tissues form organs; organs form systems. Each person plays a role to keep the society going. Good people make a good society; bad counterparts will likely be rejected by it.

What functions will I serve in this society in the next few years?
Thinking now, I can first see myself looking through that window at different times of the days. Nurses work on shifts, you know? My cousin who is a nurse said the work schedule is bad for social life.


Sunday, 13 March 2011

Not my will

Some places you might not wish to go, some things you might not want to do. Yet you do.

The places you want to go and the people you haven't met for a long time; I may not enjoy going there and seeing them, but I do this for you. Travelling inconveniently(to me) for your sake, this is one way I express love and concern. Or fulfilling due responsibilities?

Hope we had a good time. I had moments of mine at 140km/h when your eyes were closed.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

How thoughtful

I saw a woman today, whose husband is in an end stage of cancer, bedridden and suffering from multiple sores. The woman too, has health problems of her own due to old age. She has to take care of her grandson- a toddler from her daughter. Her other daughter is giving birth to a baby girl soon and she intends to place the newborn under the woman's care too. Those daughters do not stay with the parents, probably working.

Let the mother take care of their children all alone, not forgetting the helpless old man.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Football jerseys

Players are paid to wear them;
Fans pay to wear them.

Sunday, 6 February 2011


Shinning sunny Sun is shinning in Kluang with her sunny sunshine. Here come the days where you don't see people on the streets with their jackets and raincoats on anymore. Besides, the umbrella now serves a different purpose altogether.

We prayed for the floods to go, and down the drains they went. I don't know about you but I'm thankful for a God that is not deaf.

The weather has been better, perhaps I'd ask for some clouds in the sky this afternoon.

Monday, 31 January 2011


Heard very bad news about Kluang.

It seems the rain has been pouring too heavily.

Perhaps people had forgotten to give thanks for the better weathers before.
If this were true, they have no right to utter a complain about this rain.

Time for the town to get together and pray.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Reliance Gone Wrong

Once upon a time
companions knew no difference,
Safe by Platonism
We grew together

Afterward you stabbed my chest;
stepping away subtly,
putting things to end

When all I had was you,
Independence- just an excuse!
So to me it seemed

Reliance gone wrong:
turned potential heights
into lowly acts;
Deliberate forces of entry;
Threats of self-destruction;
Violence in spoken words.

Your fears were my fault
Drove you crazy

"Go to the Jordan and clean yourself seven times"
wash away my bitterness
"No man can serve two masters"
worship the right one

© Joel Yap

Haiku- Cactus Shall I Be

How long has it been,
since the days turned weeks, turned months;
Not too long ago.

Have I not long grown,
familiar with silence of
a party gone wrong?

Do I missed those days,
Morning Glory shined with ease;
Support from a fence.

Could not walk on wheels,
there was you to ferry me;
Happiest of mine.

I sing a sad song,
to remember the good times:
Where there you for me!

Now you are no more,
Flower left in wilderness;
Cactus- shall I be.

© Joel Yap

Friday, 21 January 2011

失眠了两天的我 现再在宁静的夜晚 享受独自生活的乐趣. 我不否认群体生活的好处, 各有千秋.

自己整天放学后就一个人呆在房里. 有时侯庆幸可逃避拥有室友的弊, 但偶尔也会幻想它的利. 常常自己一个人难免会感到寂寞. 我计划再过几个月以后搬家. 不是因寂寞而搬, 是因为表姐的屋主刚好有个空房子. 表姐的屋主是个很好的人, 觉得住在那儿比较稳定, 不必担心以后会接到需要临时搬走的可能性. 安安稳稳地住下来对我很重要, 感谢上帝永不断流的恩赐.

现再在想该怎么选朋友来一起住. 选了以后还要想房租到底应该怎样分.
非常期待 也有点担心以后与其他学生同屋的喜怒哀乐.

最好能平平安安渡过在这儿的日子. 大家一起省钱, 大家一起努力念书. 大家一起成长, 一起对社会, 对各自的家庭付出贡献! 想要跟我一起租房子的朋友必须符合的条件是也得来自马来西亚. 总任为竟然我找到好的地方住 就应该让有需要的同乡(马来西亚人)一起来分享.


失眠了两天的我 现再在宁静的夜晚 享受独自生活的乐趣.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Got up late again

At 9AM the phone rings.
"Where are you?"
"Oh, no!"
Today's lecture started at 9AM.
By the time I reached the lecture theatre it was half past nine.
Put my butt down on a seat, and "...and hereby we shall end today's lecture", said the lecturer.

One of my favourite modules, it was the final lecture of the semester and I missed it.

Bad mood.

Ready to go to sleep now and not think about anything at all until I wake up again.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Got up late

Although getting out of bed at half past 8 in the morning may be considered reasonable if not early to many, it was late for me today. I was out with a few friends from Kluang last night to celebrate two of their birthdays. Nice night out, good to keep in touch with one another(get to know new friends, for me) though each of us are busy here with our own stuff to do in Singapore. Got home rather late last night and went to bed even later.

My alarm was set to ring before 7 this morning as today's classes begin from 8AM. Little did I know I could oversleep! It usually doesn't happen to me because I'm an early waker. Gained consciousness at 8.30AM and adrenaline filled my arteries the moment I realised what time it was. Then my first thought of the day was "Oh! There goes my 100% attendance", and all the weeks of dutifully attending classes had been a waste. It's week 13, just about a month to go before Year 1 comes to an end. Why did I have to oversleep?
Well I'm thankful that it was only an hour of tutorial missed instead of some important lecture.

Nevertheless I shall continue to maintain a good attendance record. Never gonna miss another class, God willing.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

A little disorientated

Woke up at 10 o' clock, headed for the computer cos there's nothing much else to turn to. Emails, Plurk, Twitter, Facebook, news and so on. Nothing much to do either, signed in to Messenger for a few minutes to at least see who I could have some chat with; though I am an advocate for less virtual and more real face-to-face interaction. Then I remembered my hair needed washing, took a bath and came back into the room. Drying my hair was getting troublesome. I put on underwear and began to reach for deodorant. Looked for my socks as if I was going out. What?! It's 11 o' clock at night!